Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve

In this surgery, the surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach (approximately 80%) along the greater curvature (fundus) leaving the stomach shaped like a tube.

The stomach is significantly reduced in size, which limits the amount of food that the patient can eat and lose weight. Another effect is that some degree of malabsorption may occur after surgery which also aids in the weight loss process. Hunger will also decrease because the funds secrete the hormone “ghrelin” responsible for feeling hungry.

This procedure is not only performed to improve the appearance of the patient’s body, but more importantly to reduce the life-threatening risks that come with obesity such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and many more.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

This procedure can be performed as a two-part treatment or as a primary procedure. This depends on the patient’s BMI and general health.

The surgery is done under general anaesthesia. Then the surgeon makes 5 to 6 incisions in the abdomen and makes a large cut

Part of the stomach with the help of an endoscope with a small camera at its end that allows the surgeon visual access to the area. This procedure takes one to two hours

However, some patients may not be able to undergo this surgery if they have severe heart failure, portal hypertension, active cancer, or other health problems. Your doctor will evaluate your condition and decide if this procedure is possible for you.

How do you prepare for the gastric sleeve operation?

Initially, a full medical evaluation will be done so that the doctor can determine the appropriate procedure and schedule the surgery

The most important thing before surgery is diet.

In obese people, there is always a buildup of fat around the liver, which makes it enlarge which makes the surgery more difficult for the surgeon and more dangerous for the patient which is why a strict diet is necessary two weeks before the surgery. You will have to reduce carbohydrates and sweets, and then two days before surgery you will be on a liquid diet only (this includes protein shakes for energy). Note that caffeinated and carbonated drinks should be avoided

Another important step to be aware of is that you must stop smoking at least 4 weeks before the surgery or it will be cancelled.

    Heal Touch