

Rhinoplasty is a common procedure in which the nose is reshaped to give you the result you want, whether your problem is a congenital defect, difficulty breathing, or you want to improve the shape of the nose by reducing its size, repairing the hump of the nose, or correcting any asymmetry

Regardless of the problem, our Heal Touch Center will provide the most trained surgeons to give you the best results.

Rhinoplasty methods

There are two techniques when it comes to rhinoplasty. It is either an open rhinoplasty or a closed rhinoplasty

In open rhinoplasty, three incisions are made, two invisible inside the nose and the third through the columella, this third is visible and usually leaves a scar (barely seen after time) Since this may be considered a defect, there is a great benefit to this technique as it gives the surgeon the ability On seeing the anatomy of the nose clearly, making this technique the first choice when the case is complex and needs a lot of precision

On the other hand, closed rhinoplasty does not have a “trans-colloidal” incision only the two invisible incisions which means there is no scar at all. In addition, in this technique there is less swelling and edema after surgery and this is another advantage.However, it is usually performed when the condition of the nose is not complicated and requires minimal changes.

    Heal Touch