
What is liposuction?

Gaining fat can be a difficult problem because diets and exercise don’t always work. So, if you can’t get rid of that fatty tissue with traditional methods, you should start thinking about liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure in which the surgeon removes excess fat from the body using one of the modern techniques available to give you the perfect body shape you desire in addition to giving you confidence in yourself

Areas that can be liposuctioned from

As a rule, fat can be removed wherever it is found. However, there are common areas from which liposuction is usually done such as the upper and lower abdomen, and it is one of the most common places for both women and men as the fat in this area is difficult to get rid of.

Other very common areas are the waist and wings.

Liposuction can also be done from the buttocks although it may look strange but removing the excess fat can give a better appearance and a more toned shape. In men, the common area is the chest as liposuction can be an effective solution to gynecomastia.

Another weird area you might not think of is the back, to get rid of what are called “bra wraps.” And there are many other areas such as the face, upper arm, hips, thighs, legs…


Initially, the surgeon will mark the areas where the liposuction will be done as well as the areas to be avoided during the surgery using another color (this is done in a standing position). Then the patient is subjected to general anesthesia and the surgeon begins to work according to the technique used

In the vaser technique (vibration amplification of sound resonance), a small incision is made to insert the device that produces high-frequency sound waves that break up fat cells, and then through the same incision will be inserted to empty the fat.

Another technology can be used such as MicroAire or PAL (energy assisted liposuction) and the main difference here lies in the mechanism of breaking down fatty tissue, as this technology provides a back and forth movement which helps it to pass through hard tissue such as fibrous tissue

Whatever technique is used, the operation usually takes less than three hours and you can return to work after one week (but you should avoid intense activities) You may not be able to see the result immediately after the operation due to edema. However, this will gradually fade over time. The final result appears after one to three months.

What is a vaser?

Is the ultrasound technique different from traditional liposuction? This ensures that localized fat is pulled into the body without harming other tissues. Through the vaser device, you can take advantage of the fat that is withdrawn from the body in restoring different areas of the body.

Abdominal sculpting with Vaser, the taken fat is added to the areas requested by the person and a muscle image is formed. Excess fat taken from the person’s body can be used to obtain a full butt and a full chest, and the abdominal muscles can be highlighted within the vaser abdomen. Thus, you can get a more athletic body by liposuction and sculpting in one operation.

Vaser technology is not a slimming technique. For this reason, Vaser liposuction is recommended for people who are healthy and with a normal BMI. You can add youthful touches to your body with the Vaser technique.

The suitable people for Vaser technique are not usually on the border of obesity, but they have a localized fat accumulation. Vaser liposuction is directed to people who exercise but their muscles are not as clear as they like. Young and middle-aged, people with a body mass index less than 30

J Plasma

J-plasma is a medical technique to tighten the skin and reach the ideal texture without sagging. With age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity and signs of aging begin to appear clearly, and sagging begins to appear locally, especially when there is excess weight in the body.

J-Plasma is one of the latest medical breakthroughs in the field of plastic surgery, and helium gas and radiofrequency energy are used to produce cold helium plasma, which is injected and used to treat and tighten any sagging in the skin.

Where the ionized gas stimulates the production of collagen in the skin, which leads to an immediate tightening of the skin, this treatment technique is able to restore the luster of the skin, reduce lines and wrinkles, and completely get rid of sagging.

What is the J-plasma device and how does it work?

J-plasma device: It is the best cosmetic medical device to get rid of flabby fat and uses plasma in it as an agent along with helium gas and radiofrequency (RF) energy to reverse the effects of aging on the skin by reducing wrinkles, fine lines and discoloration, in addition to tightening the skin Slouching to a minimum to achieve a perfectly proportioned body.

    Heal Touch